Abstract submission is now open.
SUBMISISON DEADLINE: November 27, 2023
NOTIFICATION DATE: December 1, 2023
We invite all registered meeting attendees to submit posters of their latest research on the following topics:
- Aesthetic Rejuvenation, Correction and Anti-aging strategies
- Acne & Rosacea
- Alopecia Areata
- Atopic Dermatitis
- Equity and Diversity in Dermatology
- Hidradenitis suppurativa
- Nail Disorders
- Pediatric Dermatology
- Psoriasis
- Pigmentary Disorders
- Skin Cancer
- Unusual Cases of All Kinds
All accepted posters will be displayed at the ODAC Dermatology, Aesthetics and Surgical Conference, January 11-14, 2024, to be held at the Signia by Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek, Orlando, FL.
At least one (1) author must be registered for the in-person meeting to have their abstracts considered for oral presentation and/or poster display. All submissions accepted for oral presentation must also create a poster for display.
If you are returning to complete or check the status of your submission, please sign-in (link sign-in to the main sign-in page of the abstract page and then delete this parentheses) using your email address and password.
Fee: No fee for non-industry-sponsored abstracts; $495 per abstract for industry-sponsored abstracts.
Abstract Formatting and Content Guidelines
You must be registered for the meeting to have your abstract considered for a presentation.
- Language: English
- Authors: full last name, first name, affiliations, degrees and contact information
- Font: Arial
- Maximum of 3000 characters, including spaces (not including the title, authors, or affiliations)
- Maximum of 2 relevant tables or figures submitted as attachments (not embedded in the file): must be 600 dpi .jpg
- References must be included as parenthetical in-text citations – first author, et al, journal and year – (Cruz D, et al. Blood 2012)
- Full contact information of corresponding author (Please ensure that your email address is accurate, as all correspondence will be sent via email)
- Abstract text should preferably be in a “structured abstract” form with sections marked Background, Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions
- Abstracts containing non-generic drug names or personal patient information, or reporting studies with unidentified chemical compounds, drugs, or materials, will not be accepted.